Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Student Success Statement 

" Only those live who do good " - Count Leo Tolstoy 

I dont fully understand this statement but from what i do understand i think that the people that do good are living right because they are good people. They choose to do the right thing and always feel good about it, they are always living with that feeling they get when they do the right thing.

Duties and responsibilities: examines the eyes and applicable visual systems for defects or abnormalities as well as the medical diagnosis and management of eye disease

Salary: $103,900 (annual)    $49.95 (hourly)

Education: Doctoral or professional degree

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Friday, January 26, 2018

Student success statement

" Whats right isn't always popular. Whats popular isn't always right." - Albert Einstein

I think that albert einstein was trynna keep it ahunnid


Lean is a slang term for concotion which includes perscription strength cough syrup.

The cough syrup used contains codeine and promethezine, the cough syrup used in doses higher than medically recommended is mixed with other ingridients such as soft drinks like sprite, mountain dew, and candy for the sweetness.

The affects of this drug are motor-skill impairment, lethargy, drowsiness, and a dissociative feeling from all other parts of the body. Some effects can be fatal, some rappers which are users of this drug have had seizures and have even passed away. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Student Success Statement 

A Choice : Poverty or Prosperity

" I hated poverty. Poverty is more than anything else, and i change that (poverty). It depends upon how hard i want to work and i decided that i would change it." - DR. Ben Carson  

I agree with this statement , I think that if you want something to change or want something to happen you have to work for it. You have to put it the effort for something you want to accomplish, and if you believe you can do it and put your mind to it it can happen.

Monday, January 22, 2018

" Even if everyone is doing it , wrong is NEVER right."

I think that just because other people are doing the wrong thing doesnt mean you should too. It may be everyone at one point doing the wrong thing but that doesnt make it right.

Professional Soccer Player 

Being a professional soccer layer you have to train really hard get in shape and put in as much work as you can on the field. You have to keep training getting better and better so that scouts and managers can see your talent and want you to play for them. You win games and get noticed more as you keep getting better , thats when the big teams start looking at the amount of talent you have. 

A players salary depends on the contract they sign with the club/team they're joining, and it depends on how good or how much talent they have to offer.. For example, some players may get paid less than the best player in the world. Cristiano Ronaldo, who has won 5 balon d'or's gets paid 400,000 Euros per week. 

Education can help in soccer but most of the players i know that are some of the best players in the world didnt really go to school, they came from poverty. In some cases education may help , for example learning languages because of the places you travel to in the world to play. 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Student Success Statement

" You cant be right by doing wrong; you cant be wrong by doing right " - Thomas S. Manson

I think that this statement is true and i agree with it. I agree with what he said because you can never be wrong when you are doing right by something. I think that doing the right thing can help you become a better person and i think that if you choose the wrong then you can learn from your mistake. If you do the wrong thing it will never be right in any kind of situation wrong is wrong and will never be right. Choosing to do the right thing will always be right even if its hard to do it it will always be the best thing to do.
The Harmful Affects Of Marijuana

Marijuana doesn't do much harm some of it is actually used for medical purposes. The only long term effects it may cause would be chronic cough and increased heart rate.

About 40% of 12th graders have admitted to using marijuana.

Weed is legal now and used for medical purposes and i am all for it. I dont have a problem with people that use it.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

" Enthusiasm makes the difference " - Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

I think that this is true because having joy and being happy makes a difference
Duties and responsibilities:  works with a client to help them achieve

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Student Success Statement

" I wasn't trying to leave a legacy.I was trying to do what was right.' - Dean Smith

I think Dean is a good person for saying this and what he did. He showed respect to the other team all the time, he was always doing the right thing even if it mean loosing the game. He is a good person and role model to those around him. He set an example to all his players and showed them important things beyond the game.
Nursing Home Administrator

Duties and responsibilities: provide medical assistance to patients who do not need to be in a hospital but cannot take care of themselves.

Salary: $78,540

Education: Masters degree, health care administration degree, complete training.

Demand or need for this profession:

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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Student Success Statement

'Its not about how to achieve your dreams. Its about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way,the karma(good results, destiny, fortune, good luck) will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you. ' - Dr. Randy Pausch

i think that this statment is true.

A) Over winter break i didn't really do much, i hung out with my friends some days and spent time with my family during the holidays.

B) During my break i didnt go anywhere far or special.

C) i didnt meet anyone new over break but my cousins from mexico came and visited for christmas.

D) I didnt watch any movies over break

E) Some sports i played were soccer. I woke up some days really early in the mornings and met some friends at the park and we played for a while. I watched some of the wold cup qualifiers on T.V.

F) I dont remember having any CTR experiences.

G) I dont like reading, i didnt read.

H) i didnt have any homework over break.

I) No


Class Evaluation  1. Some things that i liked about the class was that it was never that loud in here, it was a calm class and everybody w...